Exploring and providing visibility into leadership, governance, management and innovation issues through a scientific Islamic lens

ILIA’s Research Foundation provides visibility into prevalent issues concerning youth, such as youth development, advocacy and public policy, Islamophobia, and mental health, and is the gateway to new courses and continuous curriculum updates and development.

Recent Work

On July 1st, Maryland joined a number of other states where recreational use of cannabis becomes legal. The State law pertaining to cannabis use in the Maryland will be changing. Some existing medical marijuana dispensaries have received approval from the State to convert to sell marijuana recreationally beginning on Saturday. 

The impact of cannabis legalization on young adults in various states has been the subject of ongoing research. While the specific findings may vary depending on the state and the methodology of the studies, the short article provides some key research findings based on research conducted by various organizations and Islamic Leadership Institute of America's Youth Crisis Line. Click here to read.

Positive Youth Development

Mentoring: An Introduction

Mentoring is a powerful method and one of the most successful and effective leadership development delivery methods known to mankind. Islamic heritage is rich of stories of mentorship and coaching from the early days of creation, and the Quran and hadith of the Prophet (pbuh) brings to life every possible type and track of mentor coaching. Download here.

Misconceptions About Islam & Solutions to Today's World Problems

Short Articles


An Overview on Youth Homelessness

Local Issues

Free Educational Content

Tawheed (Oneness of Allah) Series from the chapter Ta Ha

Fitra - Natural Instinct

A Prophetic Prescription